Chile-Heads Mailing List Information

This mailing list is for the discussion of Chile-Headses and related topics.

This list is unmoderated.

Question and comments should be sent to Chile-Heads-owner.

The mailing list archives are available on-line and can be searched.

How to Post to the Chile-Heads Mailing List

To post to the list send mail to:

You must be a subscriber in order to post.

How to Subscribe to the Chile-Heads Mailing List

All messages posted to the list are emailed immediately to everyone on the list.

To sbusribe to the list send email to Chile-Heads-request with the body of the message containing:


How to Subscribe to the Chile-Heads Digest Mailing List

The digest will save all email messages posted to the list for the day and send in one email message.

To subscribe to the digest form of the list send email to Chile-Heads-digest-request with the body of the message containing "subscribe".

Back issues are available for anonymous FTP from, in pub/Chile-Heads/digest/vNN.nMMM (where "NN" is the volume number, and "MMM" is the issue number).

How to Unsubscribe to the Chile-Heads Mailing List or Digest Mailing List

To unsubscribe send email to Chile-Heads-request or Chile-Heads-digest-request (depending on which version of the list you are subscribed to) with the body of the message containing: unsubscribe
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Last access on Monday October 21 at 21:45:24 from
Page was last updated on Saturday July 5, 1997 at 16:03:26