Re: [gardeners] Hard pack soil improvement experiments was

Liz Albrook (
Tue, 23 Sep 1997 13:27:00 +0000

Margaret Lauterbach <> wrote:

> At 10:48 AM 9/23/97 -0700, you wrote:

> >To attempt to prove my theory I'm going to set up an experiment.  I have a 
> >section of my garden that is very hard, rocky and very little grows there.  
> >Currently it is covered mostly with wormwood and a few other plants that can 
> >manage the conditions.  It has had horses on it for two years but has been 
> >unutilized since late last summer.  All manure is in two locations so is not 
> >dispersed.  
> Well, you really DO have well-trained animals.  Margaret

Animals are easy.  It's the visitors who are going to balk.
