[gardeners] BOUNCE gardeners@globalgarden.com: Admin request:

George Shirley (gardeners@globalgarden.com)
Thu, 29 Jan 1998 10:30:59

>Date: Wed, 28 Jan 1998 19:29:59 -0800
>From: owner-gardeners@globalgarden.com
>To: owner-gardeners@globalgarden.com
>Subject: BOUNCE gardeners@globalgarden.com:  Admin request:
>>From ealbrook@mail.lewiston.com  Wed Jan 28 19:29:55 1998
>Received: from mail-gw.fsr.net (mail-gw.fsr.net [])
>	by webhosts.net (8.8.5/8.8.5) with ESMTP id TAA07636
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<gardeners@globalgarden.com>; Wed, 28 Jan 1998 19:31:31 -0800 (PST)
>Message-Id: <199801290331.TAA05033@mail-gw.fsr.net>
>Comments: Authenticated sender is <ealbrook@mail.lewiston.com>
>From: "Liz Albrook" <ealbrook@lewiston.com>
>To: gardeners@globalgarden.com
>Date: Wed, 28 Jan 1998 19:26:56 +0000
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>Subject: Help!
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>I'm so desperate for flowers I almost bought one of those "Bulb Pots" 
>from the grocery store for 9 bucks.  They contained 3 primroses in 
>garish colors, 3 solid yellow minidaffs and either 2 tulips or 1 
>hyacinth carefully selected to clash as harshly as possible with the 
>3 primroses.  They were obviously put togethor by someone who is 
>red-green color blind.
>In retrospect, they looked really nice -- which says a lot about how 
>tired of winter I've become.
>It was warm enough here to work outside but too danged wet to do 
>anything (unless I want adobe soil in the spring).  So I settled for 
>cleaning the bedroom.  Now that the dust is gone I can see all the 
>cat scratches on the furniture and can walk across the carpet without 
>sneezing or needing to take a shower.  In the end, I know it will 
>have been a waste of time because it's just going to get dusty again. 
>My sisters will probably visit in the summer and I'll have to clean 
>it all over again.  In my next marriage there is going to be a maid.
>I also found the hollyhock seed that I couldn't find last spring.  
>These were collected from a friend's garden that contained a gorgeous 
>selection of hollyhocks in various shades of red.  I'll go ahead and 
>give them a shot but I'm curious -- does anyone have any idea what 
>storage at room temperature for a year will have done to them?  My 
>friend is now in Argentina and his house was sold to people who were 
>so tasteless that they took out those hollyhocks and planted 
>*junipers* in their place.  Horrors!