Mazel tov on the grandchild and the greenhouse to both of you. Cheryl >Aren't friends wonderful! Mentioned the other day that I'm getting half a >pool liner so I can make a pond of my own. Today another friend offered us >her greenhouse. It's an 8X10 with corrugated fiberglas over redwood, >commercially made. Even has the benches installed in it. Luckily it's put >together with screws so I can take it apart with my cordless drill and the >proper socket. Now all we have to do is figure out where it will go. >They're not in a big hurry to move it so I have a few weeks to properly >take it apart and rebuild. Gotta go get some more tube caulk now so I can >seal the joints. > >On a side note, Sunday we go to visit our new granddaughter for the first >time. She's a week old today and her parents are still grinning. The other >set of grandparents are too, she's their first grandchild. It's old hat for >the Shirley's as this is the fourth. <VBG> > >Good gardening to you. > >George