Hello to the list, Someone asked about garlic spray to repel garden pests. I apologize for not remembering who. Here is what I got from the ag ext. service at Texas A & M. 1.Grind together 3 hot peppers,3 large onions,and one whole garlic. Add enough water to cover. Let sit overnight then strain. Add enough water to make 1 gal. Spray garden 3 to 4 times a day for 2 to 3 days. 2.Make into solution,4 garlic buds and a handful of cloves. This is used to repel squash bugs. 3.Chop one cup of onions,add one cup of water,strain and use juice to repel aphids and spider mites. 4.Add onions and garlic to 2 cups of water. Blend untill smooth. Strain and use to repel aphids and mites on roses and other plants. 5.Grind hot peppers and onions with equal amounts of water, add a bit of soap and strain. This repels cabbage worms. I have quoted exactly what was written on the paper sent to me. Some of it is a little vague. Like how much water in a couple of them. I have not used these receipes yet. Haven't had the bugs. Use at your own risk. The info sheet did not give any warnings. I wouldn't want to get any of this in my eyes. Seems like most of them would be irritating to say the least. If you want to try them it is up to you. Happy Gardening, Allen Bastrop Co.,Tx. Zone 8