On 17 Nov 98 at 10:42, cvinson@mindspring.com wrote: > I agree with Lucinda's call for a chemist who can help sort this > out. I am ignorant. You mean you want a bacteriologist to comment -- they actually know something on the topic. My understanding of immunity and the exchange of immunities among bacteria is a bit better than average but still very crude. I know enough to take a full course of antibiotics when prescribed so as to not help create superbacteria, to not ask for or take antibiotics for viral infections for the same reason and to avoid people who take daily doses of antibiotics because they are apt to harbor superbacteria that are harmless to them and deadly to others. I worked for several years with a person who fell into the last category. In 1988 or so, when discoveries concerning the exchange of immunities between unrelated bacteria were made, he and thousands of other people were taken off of those daily doses of antibiotics because of the extreme threat they posed to other people. I am uncertain as to the levels of active antibiotics found in meats. Just because a steer was dosed with high levels of a given antibiotic does not to me indicate that the flesh of that animal, killed 24 hours or more after innoculation, contains enough antibiotic to warrant concern. This is an area in which I have found there to be quite a bit of over-the-counter scare-tactics type of information without having seen much mainstream science. Though ignorant, I am somewhat bouyed by the fact that I don't know many bacteriologists that are vegetarians. I also can say that I know just enough about genetic exchanges between plants to be very uncomfortable with the idea of "terminator technology". There may be nothing at all wrong with it but my limited understanding of the whole process tells me this is a genie that shouldn't be released from the bottle. Perhaps there's a roving botanist who could comment on the likelihood of introduction of genetically-based sterility into the environment if "TT" seeds are planted. Liz who's back with a reasonably healthy computer