[gardeners] Re: Chilled out Christmas

penny x stamm (gardeners@globalgarden.com)
Fri, 25 Dec 1998 01:20:53 -0500

A note from Coastal Southern California about their 
orange-lemon-lime severe crop damage:
Oh, the San Joaquin Valley crop is probably 2/3rds of the crop 
nowadays -- because so many orchards elsewhere have been 
paved over, and turned into housing tracts and/or shopping malls.  
This morning's Ventura Co. Star reports that while the damage up 
there is severe, the damage here is minimal -- though there WILL
be losses in the Avocado crop.  But the bright side (for Ventura Co. 
growers) is that because the SJValley losses will sharply raise the 
prices, the growers HERE will be able to sell their undamaged fruit 
at a higher than normal price.

A side-benefit noted is that the freeze is expected to have killed 
off most of the perseid mites and avocado thrips, which have been 
causing problems.  Might even help with avocado root rot -- which 
is a close relative of downy mildew.  Hopefully, the same will apply 
to rose pests and fungal problems.  If so, we should have a 
great spring.  :)

JJ in Ventura County

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