BSK, I loved your grandmother with the walking stick pulling the wagon -- I had two grandmas who could cook a wonderful dinner, but the only lettuce they ever saw came from the urban grocery store. My mother's green thumb was growing snake plants. We moved every 2 years, and every apartment had corner shelves with those tall, green, striped thingamajigs on 'em. I was the first family member who showed an interest in the growing potential of seeds. When I was about 8, we spent a summer out on Long Island, and one day I slipped outside with a fistful of green peas that had funny white tails on them, and with my finger, poked some holes and dropped in a pea. Yup, they all came up -- and that started my career as an avid backyard truck farmerette. I'm not quite 90 but I'm pushing it -- no cane, but indeed, I DO need a new wheelbarrow! Perhaps one will materialize from the back of a station wagon, when the kids come home once again... Penny, NY zone 6, 23 degrees ___________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866]