Re: [gardeners] Tuesday in the garden

Jane Burdekin (
Wed, 14 Apr 1999 10:45:59 -0600

Let me take that back, It's raining again, and my husband says he is on the
way to getting 1-3 inches in Denver.


>No way, it's already stopped anyway and it turned into the white kind this
>morning for a few minutes, I was worried.  I will still be bringing in my
>new flat of perennials tonight.  We are still dipping below freezing at
>night.  Spring will come.
>>Jane Burdekin wrote:
>>> Hi George,
>>> We got your rain!  I am so happy, it has been raining all night with
>>> thunder and everything!  We so seldom get rain this is a real treat.  We
>>> really need it.
>>> Jane
>>> > Not much going on in the garden today except running the soaker hoses
>>> > again. Still no rain even though it was forecast. Chiles, green beans,
>>> > scarlet runner beans, and tomatoes are all blooming good and the little
>>> > radishes are getting fatter. Spring lettuce is about the size of a small
>>> > dog's ear now and just right for salads. Grass needs mowing, bah humbug
>>> > but Miz Anne did get out yesterday and whack a bunch of stuff in the
>>> > front flowerbeds. Particularly the dwarf crepe myrtle by the front door,
>>> > you can get to the door again. ;-) She dug up some amaryllis bulbs that
>>> > had quit blooming and potted them for trading stock.
>>> >
>>> > It's back to work tomorrow and Thursday so I'm off to bed.
>>> >
>>> > George
>>Send it on down here, we're used to getting much more rain than we currently
>>get. I love a good thunderstorm.