Re: [gardeners] Anaheim Chilis

Allen and Judy Merten (
Sun, 25 Apr 1999 23:41:57 -0500

Hi Kris,
    Yep, make my own chili powder. It is as easy as falling off a log.
    First let your peppers ripen to the red stage. Then dry them in a dehydrator
or in the sun if you get enough sun, making sure there is no moisture as is
practical. Usually when the chili pod is dry enough it can be crushed with the
fingers. Remove the stems. I grind mine up in a food processor. Be sure the
little vents are covered with something like saran wrap, to keep little bits of
the powder from becoming an airborne irritant to eyes and nose. After grinding
put in air tight containers/zip lock storage bags. I put some of the chili
powder in spice containers. I freeze the chili powder in the storage bags to
make sure none of it gets moldy and stays fresh.
    The Anaheim chilis that I planted last year made great chili powder. You can
make chili powder out of the chili of your choice.
Bastrop Co.
SE Central Tx. wrote:

> In a message dated 4/25/99 12:24:09 PM, burdekij@BVSD.K12.CO.US writes:
> << > Hi David,
> >     I enjoyed them fried and peeled, in salsa, and they make great chili
> powder.
> > >>
> Allen do you and George make your own chili powder? I would be interested in
> learning how to do this. I am not a pepper lover but I do like chili. Does
> that make any sense? Of course I don't drink beer either but I put it in my
> chili.<grin>
> Kris P
> Z 5  IL