Re: [gardeners] Back home in Bastrop

margaret lauterbach (
Fri, 09 Jul 1999 09:37:01 -0600

At 11:33 PM 7/8/99 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi All,
>    When we got home from the MRI yesterday evening, I was still punch
>drunk. Tried to write about the barrel conversion to BBQ pit. I made so
>many errors that I filed it in drafts and crashed. This morning was most
>unpleasant after being on the MRI table for 3 hours plus a 1-1/2 hour
>round trip. It has taken all day and mucho happy pills to recover,
>mostly. We will hear the results in 48 hours, more than likely it will
>be Monday.

Allen, I hope you get the message that they found nothing wrong. Or
"there's this sliver that isn't visible from the outside, but we can easily
remove it." Won't repay you for the time spent, but you don't want to hear
anything worse. I'm sure that all of us on the list wish you the very best
news you can get. Margaret L