Re: [gardeners] Rain!!!

penny x stamm (
Fri, 13 Aug 1999 22:41:39 -0400

Margaret, then what is apparent is that your Boise citizens and
government have taken charge of their natural dry summer
situation and have provided for their own comfort and gardening
pleasures with Long Term Care.....   

Here on the East coast, where we do have lots of mountains, rivers,
and reservoirs, we run out of water AND electricity because we do 
not have proper backup systems under duress. 

If you could see how many mature trees have dropped dead;  how
many hedges have lost bushes #3,5,7,8,9 -- how all the deciduous
trees are already dropping their leaves, 8 to 10 weeks early; you
would burst into tears, along with me.  Never mind the lawns -- they
will come back. But the trees, now that's a sin. Our county has not
yet imposed water restrictions, even though many of the neighboring 
counties have -- they just asked us to be judicious in our use of the
water. But we can still see a few velvet lawns with healthy flower
beds, as well as parched lawns, stunted flowers, and dead trees
right in front of the houses!  Apparently some people want to make
a public showing of being 'good citizens', and have stopped all
water supplies to the outdoors. It doesn't make any sense 
whatsoever to leave a beautiful dogwood without water for over
10 weeks when the temperature has stayed steady at 95 degrees
and more, and with 95 to 100% humidity to provoke disease.  

We had a catastrophic drought in what I believe was 1985 -- it was
like the Sahara Desert hereabouts, and only 4 miles from the
great Atlantic Ocean!  We have evidently made no improvement 
whatsoever in our setup since then.  It does seem strange that we
should send a space vehicle to orbit the moons of Saturn, instead 
of utilizing the funds to make water desalinization affordable.

We had an enormous thunderstorm today. I thought the windows
would be blown in on the house!  And it rained lightly for exactly 
3 minutes, 17 seconds. 

Penny, NY  

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