penny x stamm wrote: > > . > Gosh George, don't you folks use a reservoir system for your > water..? You've certainly had plenty of rain all summer long.... > > Penny, NY -- hoping we'll be spared. > > ___________________________________________________________________ > Get the Internet just the way you want it. > Free software, free e-mail, and free Internet access for a month! > Try Juno Web: Not in a small town like this, we use water wells and the pumps just can't keep up with the demand. Went from 3 million gallons per day to nearly 9 mgpd in one month. If we go one month without rain it becomes a crisis around here. Bear in mind that this is coastal prairie, ie flat as a pancake with drainage toward the nearest waterway, of which there are many. Most of the trees are shallow rooted because of the high rainfall average in most years. Some trees are now dying for lack of water. Miz Anne and I are using grey water to water those plants that need extra water. I just catch the washing machine discharge in a barrel and use the water out of that. Works to keep things alive. Naturally we have neighbors who ignore the ban on outside watering. One told me that he had paid over $700 for some large landscape plants and he wasn't going to lose them. Doesn't matter that we may not have enough water to fight a house fire, save them plants. Yesterday I saw two neighbors, not a block away, running lawn sprinklers in broad daylight. Also saw the cops writing them tickets. Nope, not many reservoirs for city water around here. Houston is probably the nearest city with reservoirs. And, boy, is it hot out there. George