George, it had never occurred to me to burn the other parts of the house in order to keep warm.. The closest we ever got to that was the time when Jimmie put the charcoal brazier on top of the stove under the exhaust duct, to make a steak in the dead of winter. Of COURSE the old grease inside that duct caught on fire, and the whole attic was encased in smoke! The firemen odered me to get the five children out of the house, and I said how can I..? They all have chicken pox! Sorry ma'am, get them out! I certainly cannot bring them outside in this weather, don't you understand? Guess who won. Not Penny. And the firemen took their great big axes and chopped up my kitchen ceiling and put the fire out. BTW, we don't do that anymore. Penny, NY ________________________________________________________________ YOU'RE PAYING TOO MUCH FOR THE INTERNET! Juno now offers FREE Internet Access! Try it today - there's no risk! For your FREE software, visit: