Byron, where on earth are you, Thunder Bay..????? I ventured out into the cold today, first time since we got sick. Thermometer read 10 degrees, but there was NO wind, and the air felt absolutely delicious! I rounded up blown-away garbage pails and would have stayed out there puttering, but I was really on my way to get a permanent wave, as we called it in the Good Old Days. Yesterday at this time I looked like a white-stringed floor mop. Today I mostly resemble Harpo Marx. Some of the kids and all of the cousins are coming in this weekend to celebrate Jimmie's 78th birthday. It's indeed his favorite day of the year.. It would be helpful if it doesn't decide to snow. Do you have any influence up there...? Penny, NY ________________________________________________________________ YOU'RE PAYING TOO MUCH FOR THE INTERNET! Juno now offers FREE Internet Access! Try it today - there's no risk! For your FREE software, visit: