Went out into the greenhouse for a few hours late this afternoon. Took the tomato seedlings that I germinated and grew in my light setup in the office. They're all nicely repotted in 6 inch pots now with a bit of long-lasting fertilizer in with them. Pinched off the bottom set of leaves and buried them up to the next set. Yeah, yeah, I know. Probably going to be another light frost before true spring but I can maintain 40F in the greenhouse without much effort. Long range forecast (10 days) for here calls for nothing less than 50F but up to 80F in the daytime. The greenhouse shelters the plants from drying winds and allows them to get more heat than they would in the house. Just have to be careful to open the door before the interior temps hit 90F or better. If worse comes to worse as heat goes I can put a 20 inch box fan on a hook made for it just inside the top of the door. Raises the pressure enough in the greenhouse to open the louvers at the other end enough to get a cross flow of air through there. I have gotta get to the Home Depot and get a new fan and motor for that end of the building. The chiles (peppers) are about 5 or 6 inches tall now but not quite ready to go out yet. Need a lot more soil warmth than is there. The two Thai Hot plants I left in the garden are blooming again! The Longhorn and the paprika in the greenhouse are not only blooming but have fruit from little buds up to 4 inches long. I think I'm going to like overwintering chiles and tomatoes in there each year. Sleepy got locked out in the front this afternoon while Miz Anne was carrying the potted bougainvillea to the front. Neither of us missed her until I heard her bark and went looking for her. She was lying at the drive gate with her nose stuck through the wire wanting in. Good thing she's not one to wander away or is it good that I taught her to stay in her own yard. Anyway she was mighty glad to be back in the bosom of the wolf pack and has stayed close to me since, laying on my foot taking a little nap as I type this. Gotta be more careful or someone will try to steal her. We've had a rash of dog thefts in recent months and the police speculate someone is selling them to either pet shops or illicit labs. Gonna keep Sleepy in the yard from now on. George, tired but happy - Life is good