Getting so busy I have to make two day reports now. Yesterday my friend Sam and I made a little trip to Lowe's and Home Depot. I was particularly looking for Dipel, the powder form of Bt. Didn't find any but did buy a small bottle of the liquid form to replace an old bottle I suspect has lost its effectiveness. Also bought a skeeter fogger, electric powered. Sam got the propane powered one. I was attracted by the fact that the liquid pesticide used is basically pyrethins in a light oil formulation. I still wear my HEPA half mask when I'm fogging but it appears to work. Fogged just prior to dark yesterday and got up before the sun this morning and did it again. Sun's up and bright now, 0830 CDST, and the bees are buzzing around the garden again. We picked another mess of green beans, ended up with about a quart of them snapped. Just enough for a good feed for Miz Anne and I over a couple of days. Cooked them with onion, garlic, black pepper, and winter savory, right tasty. Got 25 million beneficial nematodes in yesterday and applied them this morning. Covered all the garden areas and a goodly portion of the front and back lawns. Watered them in good and will do so for the next 2 or 3 days according to the instructions. Hopefully the little beasties will do in the grub population of Swankienda Shirley. Now, after a short rest it's back outside and start some hot season tomatoes, more peppers, more rosemary seed, and another batch of bunching onions. Also need to pot up some stuff that's just sitting in the greenhouse waiting and need to put some herbs I started from seed in the ground. I'm trying to figure out where to put another small bed of leaf celery. I really like the stuff for convenience. Regular stalk celery doesn't do well here but the leaf celery grows like a weed. If I need some for cooking I step out the kitchen door, cut what I need, wash and chop, and add to the meal. Works out good having the herb garden about 10 steps from the kitchen door. Gotta plant that salad burnet too, been in the pot about 3 years 'cause I keep forgetting about it. So much to do and so little time to do it in. I'm trying to stay busy because Miz Anne leaves for Maryland on the 23rd. Me and the dawg are sure gonna miss her for that two week period. She does need to get up north and see her 92-year old Mom and her siblings though. Life is good. George