Re: [gardeners] What is it with me and beans?

David G. Smith (
Fri, 7 Jul 2000 10:02:48 -0400

I usually have good germination with beans, but this year it is very spotty.
It's been really wet, and I wonder if they just rotted.  I'll plant more
this weekend, maybe they'll do better.


----- Original Message -----
From: George Shirley <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, July 07, 2000 8:55 AM
Subject: Re: [gardeners] What is it with me and beans?

> Bob, I can grow just about any bean without problems with the plant. It's
> getting a decent harvest that often defeats me. It's getting that correct
> combination of sun, shade, fertilizer, and water that takes some doing.
> I started using Kentucky Wonder Bush beans several years ago and generally
> really good yields. This year I got poor yields but attribute that to rain
> sun at the wrong times. At least in a drought year I can control the
> As to spotty germination, I've been growing beans since at least 1950.
> at my Dad's side when a boy. Always, always have gotten spotty
germination.  Due
> to that I always overseed the row and then thin when 4 inches high. The
> that grow in the Sonoran desert are bred for that weather though.
> George
> Bob Kirk wrote:
> >
> >   No, not that. Just plain trying to grow them.
> >
> > Forget the annual attempts to start a few Roma pole beans. All Burpee
> > no doubt there's better, but if it's this bad how could they keep
> > it year after year without a peep of protest?
> >    Early Bush Italian, Roma Bush, French Filet beans. Six seeds each
> > one per 3.5" pot of Stronglite bark based mix.  With careful attention
> > bringing the flat inside for cool weather or at least sticking it in the
> > truck cab overnight.
> >   Sprouted three each of Romano & French, no Early. Replanting gaps with
> > seeds/pot in home made peat:perlite:perlite mix brought the count up to
> > French, five Roma and three Early (two severely stunted, one of which
> > not survive).
> >
> >    All set out, now blooming. Extended the row by direct-seeding two
> > of 3 seeds/hill of each of the 3 cvv. Of which two hills have sprouted
> > and three plants of Roma and Early respectively and two more showed
> > of sprouting which disappeared despite hot sunny days, two good rains
> > enough watering to prevent the soil ever crusting. BTW, 5 for 18 is as
> > or better than I've ever done with direct-seeded Romano pole bean seed.
> >
> >    Plus a few nights even into the 40's, but that's (almost) typical of
> > Kansas in July. Anyway, fer catsake, beans grow in the Sonoran desert.
> > Lewis and Clark ate Sioux or Mandan-grown beans in Dakota. They can't be
> > this hard to grow, right?
> >    Or is that just what to expect from selected varieties - that they
> > should be about the most intractable large seeds (of maybe 100+) that
> > I've ever tried to grow?