[gardeners] thank you Ron!

Shantihhh@aol.com (gardeners@globalgarden.com)
Sat, 10 Feb 2001 02:38:41 EST

<< If you are going to make a tajine, make one with lamb and prunes! It is to 
die for! >>


I remember the first recipe you sent and our friendship began!  It was a 
recipe w/coke and prunes and chicken a Mexican recipe.  I muzzled over it and 
said I am going to try this, and the result has become a favorite!

In light of our exchanges of recipes and ideas this was just printed out, 
Steve said if Ron sent it, it must be good-----we'll make this for mom!

Thanks once again my friend.

"It is never too late to be what you might have been" 
- George Eliot (1819 -1880)