At 01:44 PM 3/11/01 -0500, you wrote: >Ivy gourd is Ivy Gourd, Coccinea grandis, Cucurbitaceae >In Hawaii, it is acting rather like Kudzu. >It looks like a cucumber vine with hot red peppers growing on it. >The fruits and leaves are edible. Cook the leaves and the fruits >can be raw or cooked and eaten young or ripe. It has >some medicinal uses as well. It has both male and female >plants. > >Kaempfer is most likely Kaempferia which is lesser galangale which is >a root similar to ginger and turmeric and is a cousin to both. Seems to me >that it was better known in the middle ages. I think Penzey's sells it. >Our local ethnic grocery store has it or greater galangale occasionally, >though I am not sure which as they don't label it. >It got its German name due to being named after a German botanist >who worked in the late 1600's. > >But it could be >Latin Name Common Name Family Synonyms >Aristolochia kaempferiAristolochiaceaeA. lineata. Hocquartia kaempferi.; >Aristolochia lineata; Hocquartia kaempferi >Broussonetia kazinokiKozoMoraceaeB. kaempferi. non Sieb.&Zucc. B. monoica. >B. sieboldii.; Broussonetia kaempferi >Catalpa ovataChinese catalpaBignoniaceaeC. kaempferi.; Catalpa kaempferi >Farfugium japonicumLeopard plantCompositaeLigularia kaempferi. >(DC.)Sieb.&Zucc. L. tussilaginea. (Burm.)Makino. Senecio kaempferi. DC. >Tussilago japonica.; Ligularia kaempferi; Senecio kaempferi >Iris ensataJapanese water irisIridaceaeI. kaempferi. I. lactea.; Iris >kaempferi >Iris macrosiphonBowltube irisIridaceaeI. amabilis. I. californica. I. >elata.; I. kaempferi >Larix kaempferiJapanese larchPinaceaeAbies leptolepis; L. japonica; L. >kaempferi var. pendula; L. leptolepis; L. leptolepis f. pendula; L. >leptolepis var. murrayana; L. leptolepis var. pendula; Pinus kaempferi; >Pseudolarix kaempferi >Phytolacca acinosaIndian pokePhytolaccaceaeP. kaempferi >Phytolacca esculentaPhytolaccaceaeP. acinosa esculenta. P. kaempferi.; >Phytolacca kaempferi >Pseudolarix amabilisGolden larchPinaceaeP. fortunei. Mayr. P. kaempferi. >Gord.; Pseudolarix kaempferi; Larix kaempferi; Larix kaempferi var. >pendula; Pinus kaempferi >Rhododendron kaempferiEricaceaeAzalea obtusa var. kaempferi; R. obtusum >var. kaempferi >Rhus vernicifluaLacquer treeAnacardiaceaeR. kaempferi. R. vernicifera. R. >vernix. non L. Toxicodendron verniciflua. (Stokes.)F.Barkley. >Vitis thunbergiiVitaceaeV. sieboldii.; V. kaempferi > > > >For the Cork Wood Tree, I would guess the Cork Oak, Quercus Suber. >It takes 40 years to get from acorn to first wine cork and then you can get >more corks every 9-12 years. They usually grow around the mediterranean >mostly. The only one I can think of in the US is on the campus of >UC-Davis in California. > >There's also Phellodendron amurense with an edible turpentine >scented fruit and P. japonicum which are sometimes >called Cork Trees. They have little black fruits. > >And Entelea arborescens which is >an evergreen shrub and not >edible. > > > >Sharon > > >