Re: [gardeners] Putting it by

George Shirley (
Mon, 15 Jul 2002 09:17:17 -0500

They're one of the "southern" peas Penny. Others in the family are black-eyed peas, lady peas, cream
peas, etc. They're all climbers and range from a cream color to black when ripe depending upon
variety. To us southerners they're very tasty. I go ahead and cook them and then freeze them so they
become a convenience food, take them out of the freezer, dump them in a sauce pan with a little
extra water and start them heating up. I've tried blanching and freezing and don't get the quality I
get with cooking them done and freezing, strange but that's the way it works with these folks.

We're still picking buckets full of them off a row about 20 feet long, they grow up a trellis and
down the other side so you can see they are like pole beans but are a pea.

George wrote:
> George, don't faint -- but what are crowder peas? Why do you
> cook them before you freeze them? How do you use them?
> Penny, NY
> .
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