George, after a spring and July of absolute drought, we have now received 5 inches of rain in August -- and where we were suffering from the 94* heat, we are now freezing with the 60* cold. Drizzle, rain, rain, drizzle, all week long, with STILL 5 more days predicted, and thunderstorms on Wednesday. We've been talking to 3 contractors about what to do to improve the back yard drainage, and they have given us 3 different approaches to the problem, not one of which sounds corrective to me. Until we do SOMETHING, thunder- storms will continue to drive water into our basement, and boy! Do I hate that cleanup! Con Edison has just finished installing a plastic gas supply line out front, up and down the neighborhood, with holes deeper than a man's height. Those guys had to work in the 94* heat, and I felt so bad for them ... They finished on the last day before the rain and cold arrived, so at least they worked under dry conditions! We could not begin digging our curtain-drain holes in the back yard until this rain comes to a halt. More mopping for mom.. Penny, NY . ________________________________________________________________ GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less! Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit: