--------------Boundary-00=_4YRS6RO0000000000000 Content-Type: Multipart/Alternative; boundary="------------Boundary-00=_4YRS12S0000000000000" --------------Boundary-00=_4YRS12S0000000000000 Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Man.. you guys make my dog look like a complete angel.. =0D =0D if anyone so much as comes in the house he starts=0D playing with them.. he's half border collie/half black lab=0D and ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL monster.. But i love him=0D =0D my roommates dog however.. will bite you on the butt.. =0D literally... he did it to my boyfriend on our second date LOL=0D =0D =0D =0D -------Original Message-------=0D =0D From: gardeners@globalgarden.com=0D Date: Friday, December 27, 2002 16:15:33=0D To: gardeners@globalgarden.com=0D Subject: Re: [gardeners] Re:Home Again=0D =0D >My dog isn't that easy. Since we're holding his collar, he can't =0D >bite the UPS man, so he bites the package instead. Margaret L=0D >=0D >>And I thought it was just b/c he visits us so much! :)) LOL about =0D >>the doggie treats. I'll have to ask him if that's his secret.=0D >>=0D >>billie=0D =0D Ha! The Fed Ex man has permission to leave packages outside the gate =0D if the dogs are out. He doesn't even like to stick his arm in to put =0D the package down when they're out there.=0D =0D We invested in an extra large rural mailbox so the mail woman can put =0D almost all packages in it - every now and then she has to come to the =0D gate with something bigger. But she doesn't come in at all - she sits =0D in her SUV and honks!=0D =0D billie=0D =2E=20 --------------Boundary-00=_4YRS12S0000000000000 Content-Type: Text/HTML; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Man.. you guys make my dog look like a complete angel..&n=
if anyone so much as comes in the house he starts
playing with them.. he's half border collie/half black lab
and ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL monster.. But i love him
my roommates dog however.. will bite you on the butt..
literally... he did it to my boyfriend on our second dat=
-------Original Message-------
Date: Friday, Dece=
mber 27, 2002 16:15:33
Subject: Re: [gard=
eners] Re:Home Again >bite the UPS man, so he bites the package instead. M= argaret L > >>And I thought it was just b/c he visits us s= o much! :)) LOL about >>the doggie treats. I'll have to ask him= if that's his secret. >> >>billie Ha! The Fed E= x man has permission to leave packages outside the gate if the dogs a= re out. He doesn't even like to stick his arm in to put the package d= own when they're out there. We invested in an extra large rural ma= ilbox so the mail woman can put almost all packages in it - every now= and then she has to come to the gate with something bigger. But she = doesn't come in at all - she sits in her SUV and honks! billie= . | |||
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