Re: [gardeners] Monday in the garden

Billie (
Mon, 10 Mar 2003 15:23:28 -0500

>We were out in the garden doing a little weeding, cleaning out the
>greenhouse, etc. when a flight of what I believe were Sandhill Cranes
>went over. They were about 2,000 or 3,000 feet up when I finally saw
>them but what attracted my attention was a loud "grok" sort of sound
>that we heard twice. When finally located it was a flock of about 50
>birds heading north by northwest from us, probably toward west Texas.
>I'm reasonably certain it was cranes because I've never seen herons
>flying in large groups at altitude before. A quick Google search lead me
>to photos of Sandhill's in migratory flight and that's what this flight
>looked like.

That sounds fabulous! We almost had an accident one time when my 
husband spotted a flock of wild turkeys in the mountains of NC - come 
to think of it that happened another time too, but at the coast when 
we spotted a bunch of snowy egrets nesting in a weeping willow by an 

We love spotting unusual birds (at least ununusual to us!)...

billie hinton

"A good traveller has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving."
Lao Tzu