Hi Linda, If you really want to find out about tomatoes by using this forum, a little less sarcasm might produce better results. :-) As I mentioned in another posting, I'm in the process of developing a 400 variety web page that will describe the immense variation within the heirlooms whose existence encompasses hundreds of years worldwide, although they are relative newcomers to our country. Don't be mislead into thinking that Brandywine is some standard bearer for all heirlooms. Their diversity is such that it is impossible to generalize. Brandywine is the token heirloom for many seed companies and for that reason it's better known than any other. The general strain on the commercial market is but a poor imitator of the original. If you are really interested, send me a postal address and I'll return a few seeds of the Suddath's strain of Brandywine. If, on the other hand, you just want to be argumentative, go bother somebody else. <G> I am stricken with macular degradation which, in short, means I'm going blind. I can't sit and stare at this screen for long. See my post to Margaret, a long time friend. C'mon girls, can't we play nice? Good gardening, Chuck