Re: [tomato] seedling transplant

Byron.Bromley (
Wed, 3 Mar 1999 19:47:30 -0500

Don't try to tell that to a garden book writer, The one that I
mentioned starting early seeds in Feb, I met in Boston MA at
a book signing, I challanged her to show me how to start
seeds in My garden in Feb. I was told I was an A"hole because
I won't follow her methods to the letter.
   Consider that. 
I now rely on the growers guides in Stokes, Johnny's and Vesey's seeds
They seem to work the closest to my microclim


Subject: RE: [tomato] seedling transplant
Date: Wednesday, March 03, 1999 7:00 PM

Byron wrote:
   In my 50 years of gardening, I have found that not 1 item works
100% of the time all the time in 100% of the situations. And the best
answers is by experimenting in your own garden in your own mircoclim
and keeping excellent records of what you have done.

Well said! And 100% on target. Nobody can tell another "The Way" to grow
tomatoes....or potatoes....or apples...or anything else. The only thing he
or she can talk about is what works in his or her own garden. Good garden
writers are guides, not experts.

Catharine/Atlanta, zone 7b