Byron, >> There are quite a few seed borne diseases out there, and folks like you who distribute imported, untested seeds, help spread these diseases.<< The above is a false and slanderous! If you don't know what that means it means that I'm going to take legal action unless you retract the statement immediately. To those who are forced to put up with this claptrap, please be assured that I am a hobby grower who does distribute some seeds on the internet thru the following URL < > I do import some varieties in packet quantities. These are not distributed but are grown out in my trial garden. Seed from those that are promising is multiplied and sent to others. In all cases, any seed I send out has been grown out and determined to be disease free. There is a statement on the web site stating that all seed has been harvested from gardens in Baltimore County, MD and has been treated to preclude seed borne diseases. Mr. Bromley, why don't you go pester the folks on some other list? We have done our time with you and I, for one, have no intention of wasting my time with you further. Chuck Wyatt