[tomato] Plasticulture

Byron (Tomato@GlobalGarden.com)
Sat, 3 Jul 1999 10:21:04 -0400

If you are really interested in Plasticultre

Write to 

Dr. Michael D. Orzolek
Professor of Vegetable Crops
Dept of Horticulture
203 Tyson Building
University Park PA 16802


Vegetable Research Reprot 
Plasiculture Research


You will find different colors affects different crops.

Dark colors warm the soil for Northern gardeners
White and Silver help cool the ground for southern growers.
Red helps plants like tomatoes that do better if they think there
   are competing
Blue helps turnips.
Yellow attracts bugs.

Even over a 10 year period different colors make a difference
If it really hot summer, White or silver work better, if its a cold
summer black is better.

After reading all this stuff I was back to duh??
