Byron, My main complaint against you is that you continually give out false information which must be intentional if you know anything of your subject. Your latest damaging statement is: "BTW ML the lady with the crop problem has late blight, which if she desires can be controlled with Daconil instead of pulling and burning her plants." This absolutely false and is typical of your misinformation. Daconil is composed of the active ingredient Chlorothalonil which is SOMEWHAT effective against late blight if it is applied BEFORE the disease is visible. After Late Blight it visible it's too late. ONCE AGAIN, YOU SEEM TO HAVE QUOTED SOMEBODY OUT OF CONTEXT. Margaret gave good information and your blabbering is not only worthless but downright dangerous to those who might be taken in by it. The only to control Late Blight is to destroy by burning and you may well have contributed to its spread if the poor victim paid any attention to your nonsense. Why don't you go infest some other group? Chuck Wyatt