After all the flaming John Z. took over his "letter", I am somewhat afeerd to write this, but I do need the help. Please note: this is not intended to be an ad. When I have a product for sale you will have to find my web site ( don't even have that in operation yet !) as I don't like to (ab)use people I consider friends. I do run a small "Mom & Pop" style garden center in Kansas, and grow quite a few varieties of pepper plants. I want to be able to expand my operation to include mail order plants, but have no experience in doing so. As things are going now, my family threatens to hide my seed catalogs 'cause I grow more plants than they can sell or find garden space for! If anyone on this list has had any experience (good or bad) with other mail order pepper plants they would care to share, please email my privately so as not to spam up Chile Heads. If I deserve a flame for this, please try to keep the matches away from my home brew! yatsafusa happla