Re: [CH] mystery chile

portman (
Tue, 17 Mar 1998 22:34:33 +1200

>Diana from the Mining Co. sent me this message:
>Maryan sent me a picture of a chile pepper she grows in
>New Zealand - does anyone recognize it?  Send me an email or
>post to the board if you know, or even if you just
>have a guess :) The picture is here:
Hi All
I have been  growing this chile in NZ for 5yrs. It is sold here as "Jamaican
The pod in the photo is similar to 80% of the seeds in the average pkt. with
the rest showing variations  in shape up to "Scotch Bonnets".
They are the easiest of the chinense to grow , flower and fruit here and
seem to over-winter much easier.
They grow very well in pots.
 I have seed of this available in my nursery.

I am on a real HIGH having taken delivery of 8 cartons of hot sauces from
the US. The selection in NZ is very small so our selection is quite  large
and if we are going to sell them I will have to test them first!  Life can
be tough.

Alan Portman
New Zealand

Alan Portman
New Zealand