Hello all! My first post here on the pepper list, should be a good year! My first year. I have 56 plants about 4"-6" tall at this point and I'm starting to plan the pepper season of '98. I have serranos, ceyannes, tabascos, hot banannas, bolivian rainbows, hobanaros, peter peppers, rooster spurs ......ummmm I think thats right. Anyway I went overboard. Im in Dayton OH and am hoping its a warm summer. Been reading books and web pages for a few months and am getting hyped! Going to try to collect whatever I need oils, vinigar, spices, jars and so forth and save some money over time by finding some good deals. Any suggested place for bottles and such? I was wondering I have seen nothing on the web about putting peppers in oils and so forth? My sister has seen people do this on the west coast she says? Anyway maybe some suggestions on that, TIA. I will be making some web pages of things I try in the future as the year rolls along. Maybe a Hot Sauce Recipe Archieve. Afterall thats why I got into this in the first place. Thanx, talk to y'all soon. MA (on the net) Spark (by my friends) MidEvil (on Myth: The Fallen Lords) Mark D. Anderson (by the IRS: its tax time!)