While I've never had opossum, I regularly eat squirrel and rabbit and prefer both of them to anything you might buy at the meat market (chicken, etc.) We generally roast them with carrots and potatoes, but occasionally get a little daring and grill or fry or even cook them in a casserole of some sort. This past season I discovered the joys of rabbit ala Calvin, sprinkling generous portions of Calvin's magic powder during and after cooking. My wife and kids also enjoy wild game very much. Would also highly recommend pheasant, grouse, woodcock, dove, pigeon, and even woodchuck. Of course, venison simply cannot be beat. Would not recommend crow (alwasy believe that if I kill it, I should eat it, so I did...never shot another crow :) Still have a package of rabbit in my freezer...think a weekend barb-b-q is in order... Daryl