Well, lets really get ourselves in trouble! I dont know about all you folks out there in radio land, but, when it comes to enjoying what we put in our mouths and tummies,(to say nothing of what we get on our hands) I subscribe to the theory, and always have that hot is GREAT, and hotter is better....with a rider! Which is, if HOT is so HOT that you cannot taste the flavour of the chile, which it really has, and each of them has it's own peculiar taste, nor can you taste the flavour of the food that the chile is enhancng, then it is too damned hot(not my words, some other soul said them first)! If I make a dish, which I do every day, for my better half and myself(and others on occasion) then I expect that the dish, whatever it may be, a fish and potato and egg pie with biscuit topping like last night, will have sufficient pepper flavour to make it hot, BUT, still taste like what I had in mind when I developed the meal. The other day I did Pasticcio, a macaroni dish out of Greece, absolutely fabulous dish, but the Greeks would never recognize it, because I added chopped habs and some Calvins powder, which I was lucky enough to get before he got trod upon..anyway, this is the way I cook...flavour and taste first and foremost, the heat of chile is very important to us in our food, ALL of it, breakfast, lunch and dinner, BUT it must not be so overpowering that the flavour of the dish, whatever it may be,comes through. I know that thisis a long post, but this is something that I have discussed with others, off list, and I think it needs to be addressed! Cheers, Doug in BC(soon to be in Purgatory!)