>>A couple of weeks later, while visiting the same store, I found bagged habaneros (five of the little dudes to a bag, and I do mean little) priced at $2.99 per bag. A quick mathematical calculation showed me the store was selling 'em for about $22.00 per pound...ouch! I mentioned to the manager that the price was a bit steep and he sorta shrugged his shoulders in a jesture that seemed to say "You asked for 'em, you got 'em." << Last year the local Safeway (Fredericksburg, VA) was stocking hads for $1.99/lb. in "bulk". At the time my harvest was in full swing and thought the price was great if you needed to buy and had no garden. Later they had just received a shipment that was packaged in little clear plastic boxes. The price was $2.99 each for about 7-8 habs. So I asked the clerk when the bulk shipment would be in. He said that is the way they get them and for the "bulk" they just empty the packages on the shelf. He went on to say that I could take what I liked at the "bulk" price. About 1/3 to the habs were damaged or going bad. So I went through about 15 boxes and hand picked the best, about a pound, and left the bad ones. Only problem is they have not stocked them after that. Hope it was just the end of the season thing and I did not ruin it for others.