Re: [CH] Boston

Melinda Merkel (
Tue, 12 May 1998 11:22:43

>Well, I took MsBear to dinner there tonight and we both agreed  
>that this place has the absolute best Mexican cuisine we have found 
>here in the Boston area.  Move this one to the top of the list.

Some of you may be inspired toward calling me a food elitist here, but it's
hard for me to imagine getting real Mexican food in a place that's so far
away from Mexico. I live in the Phoenix area, and when I'm travelling I
don't even try for Mexican unless I'm in Mexico or the Southwest. Will,
have you (or anyone else in this discussion) ever had Mexican-style food
closer to the border? How does it compare? I have no benchmark to compare
this against and I'm curious.

BTW, I just came back from a trip to Boston about a month ago. My personal
recommendation: head to the North End (the Italian district) and order
lobster fra diavolo, extra spicy. It won't do much more than tingle, but
ohh is it good. And as long as you're there, have a pignoli macaroon and a
macchiato at Mike's Pastry.


       Melinda Merkel        |  "The night was _bigger_ than the day, and      |    in its realm, life seemed to have more  |   possibilities." -- Dean Koontz, Midnight