Dear CHers I have been most intrigued with the contributions about cheap hot sauces and reasons for buying products. The subject is near and dear to my heart and my wallet. From the time the peppers, etc., are born till the sauce arrives in your mouth many things happen. There are variations in each of the factors as well. A partial list would at least include 1. Cost of ingredients This can vary due to the actual ingredients,time of year,volume of purchase, ease of preparation etc. Major producers buy ingredients at very advantageous pricing. For a home /small producer vinegar is easily somewhere in excess of $1 per gallon The big guys costs can be as low as .23. Work your way through the ingredients and do some math. 2. Bottles or as they say in the biz "glass" again bigness brings huge economy of scale with the big guys landing bottles for maybe 1/4 of what mom and pop can. 3. Lablels can be the most expensive item of the whole experience. After the design and perhaps a die design and construction. the cost for the individual labels are very low. The cost is heavily load to the front end. All the front end costs have to be prorated onto the individual bottle 4. Manufacturing expenses can vary substantially as well. Major manufacturers have fillers that can handle production at speeds in excess of 200 bottles per MINUTE. Tough to do in a small kitchen. 5 Permitting fees and laboratory fees for licensing and food safety add significantly to the costs 6. Cardboard boxes and shipping materials 7. Distribution costs 8. Advertising local and perhaps national I am truly amazed that hot sauce and other food products are so inexpensive in the US. I believe that there is a place for all levels of hot sauces in the market place. Inexpensive does not mean bad and pricey does not mean good. When making a decision let it be an informed one. Understand that the bottles that sit next to each other on the shelf have arrived there along very different paths. When you go to a chain store and ask for hot sauce they usually say aisle 7. When you go to a specialty store(a good one) they will be able to help you heat levels, ingredients, uses, if you like that one you will probably like this one recommendations. In many cases the proprietor will know the people who produce the sauces and how they got started in the biz. Imagine going into "Mega Mall Foods" and asking to try several sauces off the shelf and then ask how long have they been in biz and did you see them at the fiery food show this year? The phrase blank look pops to mind. The factors and issues involved are not as simple as it seems. Take time to make an informed decision. Passion is involved as well. It may sound a little hokey but I get a real charge when I reunint a sauce aficionado with a favorite product. Twice it has taken me in excess of a year to run down a product for a customer. (turtles go slow) In both cases it was as if I had located a long lost sibling for the people. This has been an overlong response but it has been fermenting in my soul for a while I guess this is the mini course in economic on cost versus value Part of the question is do you want to support someone who against all odds has campaigned a strawberry habanero sauce or a rich flavorful handcrafted sumptuous chipotle elixir or the product of a large corp that the marketing guys have told the production guys that hot is hot and lets make 40,000 cases and see what happens. Well, enough of revolutionary musings time for a guacamole and crabmeat omelet topped with the magic of a thick chipotle sauce life is good