Jalust@aol.com wrote: > > Isn't there a thing called tellicherry that is pink and often mixed in with > "gourmet" peppercorns? If it is what I think it is, it is related to poison > ivy. If it is something else, please don't flame me as I have to have my car > inspected this month, there is money involved, and I am already tense about > THAT. Only chiles get roasted around here... Tellicherry is a true black peppercorn. The pink "peppercorn" you're refering to is not. From the Penzeys catalog: "From the French island of Reunion. These expensive pink berries add a touch of color and a rich sweet flavor to almost any dish. Unlike the black, white and green, the pink really aren't peppercorns, but they are called so because of their size and flavor. ..." I don't know whether they're related to poison ivy or not, but I can say they are quite tasty when added to a peppercorn blend in a peppermill for grinding fresh onto whatever suits yer fancy. I took my pickup in for it's "every other year" smog check last fall. Neither it nor any other vehicle I've ever owned had ever failed a smog check...until this time. It failed as tested by the recently imposed "Smog Check II" smog certification system in California. Several hundred dollars later (and much time wasting and frustration), I was finally able to get my smog certification forwarded to the State. Smog Check II, in my opinion, is a disasterous boondoggle. I wish you better luck with your car... Back to chiles, lest the OT police issue me a ticket... I bought a 6-pack of habanero plants at my local Home Depot a few days ago. They are very healthy and vigorous with large, deep green leaves at the top and many small "suckers" sprouting from the stem just above the soil level. This is the first time I've ever seen such an abundance of leaf/mainstem union growth on a habanero plant I've bought. I'm tempted to pinch off the upper part of the plant and let the "suckers" florish, but I'm not too sure I should. Good idea or bad...? -- Rich McCormack (Poway, CA) macknet@cts.com Who is Rich McCormack? Find out at: http://www.free.cts.com/crash/m/macknet/