[CH] Haute Cuisine was Chipotle recipe request

Chris Meredith (merc@innocent.com)
Sat, 21 Nov 1998 10:08:56 -0800

what really gets my Panties in a bind is the Eateries that advertise
Chipotle this or Habanero that, that when tasted has a slightly discernable
flavor but none of the expected heat.

 I was in a Restaurant in Portland OR. that is respected for the quality of
the food and it Chefs. I ordered salmon with a Habanero/Orange glaze. when
I got the food it tasted like it had been drowned in O.J.  I mentioned this
to the wait person who responded with "this is Oregon did you expect it to
be hot?.  I now have a certificate signed by the Manager for a free meal
for two  :-)

bitching in Oregon

At 08:43 PM 11/20/98 -0800, Chuck Berridge wrote:
>-----Original Message-----
><snip happens>
>>By the bye, does anyone else resent the fact that Haute Cuisine has found
>the chipotle >and now adds it anywhere?  I mean, it is my favorite chile,
>and I like the idea of people >eating chipotles, but I don't like it being
>reduced to a food trend.
>My wife had the perfect response: "It's kind of like Feta cheese. Who ever
>heard of it until recently?" Well, I liked both before they became popular
>and I'll still like 'em when they go out of fashion. Unlike "vinaigrette"