[CH] nevada eats

michele curley (mohawkturtle@earthlink.net)
Tue, 24 Nov 98 09:41:20 -0700

regarding the request for nevada eats .... if you make your way to 
henderson, nevada .... which is not far from las vegas .... go to the 
sunset station .... address is 1301 west sunset road in henderson .... 
702-547-7777 .... there are some excellent restaurants in the hotel .... 
check out the nicer italian restaurant (capri italian ristorante -- nice 
caesar, large pasta portions .... their seafood pasta was incredible) 
.... there is a great seafood place too (costa del sol seafood 
restaurant).... great cioppino .... don't bother with the microbrewery 
place .... didn't look promising at all .... sorry i don't have any las 
vegas recs .... i didn't have much luck there .... but let me know how 
you fared  ....  i have to go to las vegas in a couple of weeks and i 
sure would like to have something to look forward to meal wise ....

given the fare available in las vegas, both of these restaurants are well 
worth the travel .... sorry i couldn't come up with any places serving 
hot and good .... but i learn not to expect much when i am on the road 

habby travels and habby eats 

michele curley