[CH] Conflicts, etc

J.D.Scudder (supervisor@scudder.sbceo.k12.ca.us)
Thu, 26 Nov 1998 07:21:39 -0800

Ernst Sigl wrote in regards to Doug in B.C.'s Cilantro defense:

>>>I am sure most people must realise that freedom of speech is important.
So let every person say his/her say without jumping down their throuts. But
now I will add that this works bothways. It is a sad day that serious
conflict hits list. CH is great and ALL please keep it that way. You all
have no idea how I look faward to read CH Emails when I get back to

Not to worry, Ernst.  Mi Tocayo (Doug) in B.C. seems to be a fun-loving guy
who will take every opportunity to stir the pot a bit, inevitibly for the
humorous benefit of the list.

In Chiles,

Doug (in C.C. California)