Re: [CH]Digest V5 #146 Chile de Arbol+"Scottish Tortillas"

Cameron Begg (
Wed, 09 Dec 1998 08:27:50 -0600

Hi C-H's,
>From: "Porter Banister" <>
>I am very familiar with Indian cuisine

Good. I was worried you were not. Every C-H should be.

Last night we had a small amount of boiled potato and melted butter left in
the pan after dinner. I scraped them into the bowl of the KitchenAid (trade
name for a Yankee mixer - Kenwood is similar) with a half teaspoonful of
salt, and with the flat beater running, started adding spoonfuls of
self-raising flour. (This was unobtainable when I first came to the US but
now it's everywhere. They changed the name to "self-rising" flour.)
Continue until you have a "bread-like" dough. Now make tortillas, except
that to shape them, dip the balls of dough in flour and roll out with a
rolling pin. About 3mm thick is good. Adjust your hot plate/skillet until
they can be golden browned each side without darkening too much. They
should puff up a bit into big bubbles if you've got it right.

Eat with your fav. chile. Great with cheese and Marmite or Vegemtite!

[Not to prolong the hangover thread, but  yeast extract spreads are a great
source of B vitamins.]
                     Regards,               Cameron.