Notice on this site and a few others people are still trying to use mirical grow, tomato grow and rapid grow on peppers. Every garden book I own says use a low nitrogen fertilzer and that peppers are a very light feeders. Next year try this, Mark a couple plants with a stake, yellow ribbon or even a garbage bag tie. At the time of transplanting, add 3 tbsp Epsom Salts in a gal of water, feed each plant 1 pint. Add 1/3 to 1/2 cup 5-20-20, Then on a MONTHLY bases add 1 cup of 5-20-20. At the end of the season compare, plant stalk and the number of fruits. Also compare the amount of blosom drop I think that after 1st season you will throw that stuff out. Per Readers Digest Organic Gardening Pg 66, Plants actually need slighty more Magnisum (0.20) than phosphate (0.15) If you feel that you need to feed in between, use manure tea. Make manure tea. Take 1 leg of Panty hose, fill it with cow manure. Place in a 5 gal bucket, like a pickle bucket or drywall compound bucket. Fill with water and let marinate for a few days. Then use 1 qt of manure tea to 2 gal of water. for a weekly feeding. The claim the proof of the pudding is in the eating, Last year (1998) the Southern part of NH had the worst gardening year ever Record rain fall since 1882, 2 days of sunlight from Jun 1 to July 15, Temperatures max low 60's. I still had 40 to 50 Habs per plant, in the 50's on my Serranno's. Chitilpins didn't well as far a fruit goes, I started them too late. I only had blosom drop when temps got down into the 40's Take it from an "Old Fart " with 50 years gardening experience, Throw that Mirical Grow as far as you can throw it. as least as far a veggies are concerned.