Re: [CH] My 3 day chili....

John Benz Fentner, Jr. (
Sun, 13 Dec 1998 19:53:58 -0500

"J.J. Sommerville" wrote:

> Oh, I did have another question.  I don't drink beer (I don't really like
> the taste of it) so when I went to buy beer I didn't know what was a good
> drinking beer, and hence a good cooking one.  Can anyone help?  I used Lone
> Star beer I think.

That's one of those questions that usually starts a war (far
be it from me to do that) however...

Problem with cooking with beer is that the variety is so
wide and tastes vary so much. There are actually people who
drink stuf like Budweiser (present company excepted of
course). I like to drink dark, heavy beers like Guinness
(or, better yet, Black & Tans)and dark ales. It's hard to
cook with those though, 'cause they are so strong and they
tend to overpower everything else. Even some of the
lighter/cheaper stuf like Miller or Piels seems to add a
sweet taste that doesn't always go with the dish.   

I usally use a dry lager for things like chili or beans. It
gives you body without bitterness or sweetness. Lone Star
should be OK.  I tend to use Carlings Black Label. It's
cheap, dry and you can even drink it in a pinch if you run
out of good stuff. 

Let the flaming begin. :)

John Benz Fentner, Jr.
Unionville, Connecticut, USA
"Lex Non Favet Delicatorum Votis"