Re: [CH] tobacco

Brent Thompson (
Tue, 15 Dec 1998 17:43:35 -0800

"Byron Bromley" <> wrote:
>  TMV and SLTMV according to 5 different books that I own
>  is caused by Smokers handeling peppers ot tomatoes.
>* This can be only one thing BURNT nicotine sulphate.
>  If I remember my high school chemistry correctly
>  when you burn something you change the molecular
>  structure of the material. As far as I am concerned
>  As far as I am concerned, I have used this for 5 years
>  on 120 peppers and a dozen tomatoes plus the rest of
>  my garden, with no sign of TMV. I also find its the best
>  stuff since DDT was banned.

Byron has been willing to risk infection with TMV from his tobacco extract
treatment, and he has been lucky so far.  I wish him continued luck as long
as he, or anyone else, uses the tobacco concoction under discussion.  But
remember, this is a risk.  There is some possibility of TMV infection from
it -- not a certainty, just a risk.  Byron may even be right that the risk
is fairly low.  Others who want to take the risk can report back in future
and we'll see what percentage won (no TMV) and what percentage lost (got
TMV), and then we'll have a somewhat better idea of the risk involved.

Just to point out the obvious, of the lines quoted above, the two which I
marked with asterisks contain (or signify) jumps to erroneous conclusions.

 ---   Brent