George Neslon Thank you Your math tells me that the nicotine used in this formula is 98,304th the amount a normal tobacco chewer uses in 1 "Chew". Suposidly fit for human consumption. For me, it places it higher on the Safety scale. The 1/3 oz per gal dilution, is mixed 8 oz tobacco juice, 8 oz dishsoap 8 oz mouthwash, and 8 oz water then applied with a 20 gal hose end sprayer. OR use 1 1/2 oz ( A little more accurate 45 ml) in a 1 gal sprayer. {if you prefer 50ml per 4L} If I understood properly the dishsoap and mouthwash should be more than enough to kill any TMV virus in tobacco. Isn't nicotine sulphate burnt nicotine ?? Thanks again "Illigitimus non Carborundum" Byron