[CH] Re: Source of Pepper Extract

George Nelson (70431.3065@compuserve.com)
Sun, 24 Jan 1999 12:31:55 -0500

According to a personal communication from a source in the commercial spice
extraction business, their ORC (oleo resin capsicum) came from peppers
grown in India with astronomically high capsaicinoid content (1 to 1.5
million SHU).  He said they were little green ones and there were lots of
them.  It has been a long time since this conversation, so I do not
remember figures exactly.  They would not use a pepper of any culinary
value as it would be too expensive because of the competition and, at the
time, few of them came close enough in yield to be economical for

9% Capsaicinioids does seem rather high ([100 x 1.5 million ]/16.5
million), but then, 2.5 to 3% for quoted values on Red Savina does seem
high, too.

George Nelson