As someone who was forced to try the digests to try and catch up the last few days (and gave up!), I will second Peters' plea. The near unreadability of the digests for this reason is what caused me to give up. My apologies if I've missed out on something. If everyone tries to behave and remember to use the delete key for those offending messages, I will make another bread lottery. Give me to after the Fiery Food Show though. The list has also wandered a bit of late it seems. In an effort to get rid of feral dogs & raw things other than chiles, here is my planting list (hoping for spring!): 35 varieties total (not all listed) Red Savina (tm)- 6,000 (ought to be a good time this fall again for all those who can make it!) Orange Habanero- 3,000 Jalapeno- 1000 500 or less of: LRT Cayenne Big Jim Anaheim Large Cherry Hot 100 or less of: Bulgarian Carrot Chimayo Peter Poblano Varingata Thai Dragon Tepin Pequin African Fish Manzano, Red Datil Tabasco Serranos And more! -Jim C MWPH and glad to be back!