[CH] Pequins

Kurt Faria (kfaria@tgn.net)
Sat, 30 Jan 1999 18:52:01 +0000

Fellow CHs!

In order to try and keep this list on a true course towards the subject of 
chiles and all things hot, and not straying off on tangents to politics, 
religion, animal rights, and such:

I have an over a-bun-dance of pequins =again= this year (they just keep on 
coming!)  Have dried 'em, ground 'em,  tried a few sauces, added to 
beans, stir fry, etc., but looking for some new ideas.  Still have a bunch 
from 3 years ago (dried).  Any thoughts as to new ways of using these 
little buggers ?

Take care.....from Kurt (CH#1155) in Angleton, Tejas.