Re: [CH] Seed swap

Steve (
Sat, 6 Feb 1999 18:21:35 -0500

For folks looking for yellow Manzanos:

Adrian Villada's Central American Chile Seeds
Chile Manzano
Price per package (50 seeds): $2.35
Locality: Veracurz
Color: From green ripening to yellow
Order Number: MX8001
The only Chile with black seeds.  Also called Rocoto (Peru), Locoto
(Bolivia), chile Manzano and chile Peron (Mexico).  This is the most common
chile found in the Andes.  Flowers are purple with some white, leaves and
stems are strongly pubescent (hairy), and the seeds are dark brown or black
rather than yellow or white.  It requires a long cool frost-free growing
season (120+ days), preferring temperatures of 40-60 degrees F. (therefore
they do better in the shade for most of us). The plants will grow 10+ years
and get up over 10 ft.  tall if not subjected to frost or extreme summer
heat.  Pods mature to yellow. Fruit is very fleshy and seed core is quite
separate from the flesh, rather like a small, pungent, delicious bell
pepper.  Some palates consider them much hotter than Habaneros due to the
unique mix of capsaicins.

   Uncle Steve's HOT Stuff, Home of world's hottest Chiles